Niedługo zapoznamy się z najnowszym numerem naszego czasopisma anglojęzycznego AimHigh, a tymczasem możemy przeczytać świetny tekst Klary Przondo (3a Liceum), w którym zastanawia się, jak poradzić sobie z kiepskim samopoczuciem jesiennych krótkich dni. Zapraszamy! 



Personally, I truly like cold and gloomy seasons, like autumn or winter. But I know from my friends and family that I’m in the minority. Most of people hate when the weather is rainy, windy, cloudy or snowy. That’s why I’m coming with help. I found in the internet some ways not to feel depressed in this time.

  1. Good sleep

It sounds like some hackneyed advice, but it’s really true. Good sleep is essential for proper functioning. If you have trouble with falling asleep, you should drink warm milk or some herbs, for example Melissa, air the room and take a hot bath before you go to bed.

  1. Proper diet

The products that will improve your mood are those with high amount of vitamin B (like dairy, eggs, fish or banana) and magnesium (like dark chocolate, nuts or legumes).

  1. Music

I think that I’m not the only one who can say that music has a very important and special place in my life. If you also agree with that, use your favourite music to relax and to feel better.

  1. Sport

With school and shorter days we have a little less options to work out; additionally because of the COVID-19 virus the gyms are closed. But it should not stop us from moving. We can train alone in our houses with special aps that you can download to your phones or youtube videos. And if you don’t like this type of activity, you can always go for a long walk. Don’t let the rain, wind or cold stop you. Maybe you will notice how beautiful and colourful autumn can be.

  1. Relaxation techniques

There are also relaxation techniques, like yoga or breathing exercises. They help reduce stress, so if you a have problem with that, maybe you should read more about it. And if you don’t want to try those professional methods, you can always do drawing or reading, they are helpful too.

Indulging in small pleasures also might do the trick. You should find for yourself what makes you happy and do that whenever you are feeling down.

Keep warm, Klara Przondo 3a