Wraz z przybyciem wiosny do naszych rąk trafi kolejny numer czasopisma anglojęzycznego AimHigh. Napływają nowe artykuły i czytając je możemy obiecać, że czeka nas sporo ciekawego materiału do poczytania. Zanim poznamy całość periodyku, tradycyjnie przedstawimy kilka ciekawych artykułów napisanych przez naszych uczniów. Dzisiaj chcemy, abyście przeczytali refleksje Julii Cwynar z klasy 3e Liceum na temat nauki zdalnej, która (mamy nadzieję) ma się już niechybnie ku końcowi. Dobry czas na podsumowanie tego dwuletniego zmagania z edukacją komputerową! Zapraszamy! 


Online classes – a new reality

Two years ago, when the global epidemic became a reality, government was forced to think of new ways to enable students to continue their studies. That’s when online classes became a part of everyday life of each student (and not only). For some, this form of getting knowledge was a blessing and for some a curse. Either way, everybody had to adapt to this new form.

At first most of the people were happy, because they thought that they were going to get some sort of break from learning (which by the way can be pretty exhausting). After some time the realization that online life is much more demanding and requires  a lot of self discipline struck the poor students and they continued with their everyday struggles, just in a different format.

Apart from the teenagers who like to complain about everything all of the time, there were two groups formed: the students who reassured themselves that traditional ways of getting knowledge (meaning attending classes in school) are their favorite and most effective and the students who realized that learning more on their own, on the conditions that they choose etc. For those, the given situation was definitely a blessing, because they would probably have difficulties in figuring it out on their own, without such drastic external factors. Even some of those students quitted traditional   school and switched to homeschooling, which made them much more happy. On the other hand, the students who prefer learning at school have a really tough time right now (but luckily it looks like it won’t be for too long).

When it comes to teachers, most of them can agree on the fact that this sort of putting knowledge and necessary information in their pupils heads is couple more times more exhausting than it normally is. Most people feel much more comfortable and safer being in front of a screen and not face to face, that’s why they tend to be less active than while being in a classroom (where they feel more obligated to answer).

In conclusion, it’s impossible to decide in unison, whether the online classes are better or worse, and whether it was a good or bad decision. The thing that is especially visible is that the ability to easily adjust to any given circumstances is very important and useful. Every experience can be valuable (depends on a person’s attitude towards it), and online classes are one of them.

Julia Cwynar (3e liceum)