Podróżowanie jest super, nie musimy nikogo do tego przekonywać! Ola Szczerbuk, z klasy 4b, opisuje projekt zainicjowany przez Erasmus+, którego celem jest umożliwienie młodym ludziom podróżowania po Europie, głównie pociągami. Tekst poniżej dostępny jest w jesiennym numerze naszej anglojęzycznego periodyku AimHigh Magazine. Zachęcamy do czytania!
If you are 18 years old and you love travelling or you want to start exploring new places on your own, this article might be interesting for you.
What is Discovery EU? DiscoverEU is an action of the Erasmus+ programme giving 18-year-olds the opportunity to travel around Europe. By travelling mainly by rail (there are exceptions to allow those living on islands or in remote areas to take part), young people discover Europe’s stunning landscapes and its endless variety of cities and towns. This journey also gives them the chance to meet like-minded travellers, become more independent and confident as well as explore their EU identity. Young people can apply during the two application rounds taking place each year and the European Union provides the selected ones with a travel pass.
Selected participants automatically become DiscoverEU Ambassadors. As an ambassador, you will be invited to share your travel experiences on social media using #DiscoverEU. You may even decide to give a presentation at your school or local community.
Through travelling, the selected participants can strengthen their European identity and understand what the EU stands for. They will be able to connect with other people across Europe, exchange ideas and engage in cross-country networks. For some of them, it will be the first time that they will travel on their own. Through their experience with DiscoverEU, they will develop key competencies like language skills, self-confidence, adaptability, stress resistance, self-reliance, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, and organisational and team-building skills. To document these learning outcomes, all participants who will complete the survey, which is sent to them automatically after their travel, will be provided with a certificate of participation.
Travelling. Participants can travel solo or with a group of a maximum of 4 friends. They can also combine their trip plans with other DiscoveryEU travellers.
The trip can last from a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 1 month inclusive and your trip should fall within the period 1 March 2025 (the first possible start date) and 31 May 2026 (last possible return date). Ready to go?
Ola Szczerbuk (4b)